There is no overhead camera which provides information about position of each robot on the field. Competitions with humanoid robots differs from those with mobile robots, that they can only rely on their own sensors. Section 4 is a short summary of few robot soccer competitions. NAO robot is briefly introduced in section 3. Section 2 of this paper shows the benefits of this type of competitions and describes goals of robot soccer organizations. Building a good team requires to address every aspect, from simple, basic tasks to difficult, complex systems. It shows that it’s not an easy task to build a team of soccer robots. Teams from many different countries meet once a year to compete with each other, check out their skills, learn, and have a good time. Keywords: Robotstadium, Aldebaran NAO, Webots, humanoid soccer 1 Introduction Aldebaran NAO robot conquers soccer world since 2008 when it was used for first time in RoboCup Standard Platform League. It also contains a short description of some contests in which NAO plays a title role, and the robot itself.

This includes a review of capabilities of simulated NAOs, a description of provided basic motions and controllers, and our approach to improve robots’ skills and localization.

This paper describes our preliminary preparations for creating a winning team of Aldebaran NAO robots in Webots simulation environment for Robotstadium online soccer contest. Humanoid soccer is an interesting area of robotics which combines many regions of science. On Simulation of NAO Soccer Robots in Webots: A Preliminary Report ̷Lukasz Przytu̷la Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Warmia & Mazury, Żo̷lnierska 14a, 10-651 Olsztyn, Poland Abstract.