Then talk to Chiang the Strong as directed at the very end of this page. Creating your own Stanzas for Combat and Magic,.Selecting Skills by spending skill points,.The /universe channel is for more general questions. Ask for teammates, resurrection, and Silan-specific help in the /region channel.Both the word "target" and can be abbreviated. Also, the command does not work for all NPCs. As you might expect, this will catch any "Dominant"-named mobs in the area, so you may still have to move around to find the Cray. For example, if you want to target the Dominant Cray, you can use "/target dominant" but not "/target dominant cray". The command has a 250m range, and can only be one word.

You can use the "/target " command to find NPCs, mobs, or players.If a quest requires you to find a material of quality X, a material of higher quality will also count.Fortunately, as players complete their missions, kill credits stop counting towards them and go only to players who still need to finish. This means the team must kill enough to satisfy the mission multiple times for everyone to be assured of completing theirs. If you are on a team, and more than one member has the same "kill X mobs" or "kill a named mob" mission, each kill will count for only one of the players with that mission.The counter will stay at 10 until you kill 10 Javings. For example, for the "Team work" quest, you have to kill 10 Javings.

This especially applies to the quest in the Magic line that says you must root Javings to kill them - root does no damage by itself, it merely stops the Javings at a distance where they cannot hit and disarm you.

If you want, you can use magic to kill mobs needed for a fighter quest, and the other way around. No matter what the quest log says, no quest requires you to use a certain skill (melee damage, magic damage, root, etc.) to kill a mob.No matter what the quest log says, no quest requires you to be in a team in order to finish it.2.10 Talk to Chiang the Strong and leave Silan.2.9.1 Investigation at the bandits, Gravest sin #1, Gravest sin #2, Gravest sin #3, Gravest sin #4.2.9 (Optional) Ranger Line - given by Chiang the Strong =.2.8 (Optional) Karavan quests given by the Karavan Communication Officer.2.7 (Optional) Kami Line - given by the Kami Guide.2.1 Don't read any further if you don't want to take away the fun of discovering things by yourself.